here is my super crazy long camgiving campaign 2
William Peabody
Why I Give:

William Peabody

Generosity is the habit of giving freely without expecting anything in return. It can involve offering time, assets or talents to aid someone in need. Often equated with charity as a virtue, generosity is widely accepted in society as a desirable trait.

In times of natural disaster, relief efforts are frequently provided, voluntarily, by individuals or groups acting unilaterally in making gifts of time, resources, goods, money, etc.

Generosity is a guiding principle for many registered charities, foundations and non-profit organizations.

Generosity can also be spending time, money, or labor, for others, without being rewarded in return.

Although the term generosity often goes hand-in-hand with charity, many people in the public's eye want recognition for their good deeds. Donations are needed to support organizations and committees, however, generosity should not be limited to times of great need such as natural disasters and extreme situations.

Generosity is not solely based on one's economic status, but instead, includes the individual's pure intentions of looking out for society's common good and giving from the heart. Generosity should reflect the individual's passion to help others. In Buddhism, generosity is one of the Ten Perfections and is the antidote to the self-chosen poison called greed.

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foo bar $25 Apr 3, 2012 i like to give
william peabody $22 Jan 6, 2012 i like to donate
William Peabody $40 Dec 12, 2011 this donation is on behalf of Gertrude and Mark Hollister
test first test last $3 Dec 12, 2011 test comment
Anonymous $20 Dec 12, 2011
Anonymous $100 Dec 7, 2011
Anonymous $7 Dec 5, 2011
Anonymous $100 Dec 5, 2011
Anonymous $100 Dec 5, 2011
Anonymous $40 Nov 28, 2011