here is my super crazy long camgiving campaign 2
Why I Give:

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At least 80% of the people in our communities are unchurched or dechurched. Our mission is to change that. Church Planting 
(re)exposes people to the Gospel and raises the spiritual temperature of each community. Our vision is to harness the collective giving power of the Northwest Ministry Network as we plant 130 churches between 2013-2020. Finances don't create vision, however they propel the vision forward faster. Will you prayerfully consider how you and your church will participate?


Multiplication Month(s) is a 6-month period where Network churches focus collective attention on the Church planting aspect of multiplication. May – October 2013 


To create a culture of church multiplication where planters are resourced and relationally connected

Request a Personal Campaign Page
To join the campaign, "here is my super crazy long camgiving campaign 2" you must first be added to the campaign by To submit your request, fill out the form below. When has added you to the campaign you will receive an email with a link to create your personal page with Thanks A Ton! giving campaigns.
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