Kathi Ridge, Director of Development
Email: KathiR@vinemapleplace.org

"God's Word tells us that we are to 'defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless, and maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed' (Psalm 82:3).  I feel privileged to be a part of a ministry that daily lives that out."

Kathi's service with Vine Maple Place started as a volunteer in Development, coordinating fundraising events each year and working with donors and volunteers to develop sustainable funding before joining the VMP staff in the Development department.  Her previous experience in social services as a foster parent, church youth group director and guardian ad-litem for children gave her a heart to serve and an understanding of the needs of people whose lives have been disrupted by crisis.

Kathi and her husband Scott live in Maple Valley and attend Cornerstone United Methodist Church.